
"a11y" stands for "accessibility." It is a numeronym, with 11 representing the number of letters between the letter A and the letter Y.

3D elements to represent accessibility
Color Spectrum Swatches
Hand-drawn app wireframes

All things inclusive & accessible design

  • Get hands on with DESIGNA11Y around three core tracks.

    Accessibility & Inclusion Labs, meant for cross-functional teams.

    Designers A11y Bootcamps, created for the design professional looking to better understand accessible and inclusive design, including tips, tricks and tools to get the job done.

    Product Design & Dev Process Transformation, great for designers, developers, project managers and business leads looking to better understand how to incorporate a11y into their day-to-day workflow without losing momentum on project deadlines.

  • Need something specific for your team? We can create custom sessions for your organization based on your goals and the audience. We'll work closely with you and your team to develop a tailored, interactive experience that meets your needs. Our goal is to ensure everyone leaves the session with a better understanding of accessibility and how it can be used to create engaging digital products and experiences.

  • Are you a designer looking for resources on accessible and inclusive design?

    The Designers Circle will be a FREE membership area in the future, but we have opened up access during launch for all users.

  • If you are needing someone more hands-on with your team, Dana Randall does offer a11y consulting. Book a discovery call for more information on how she can help you with your accessibility goals.

    Dana has extensive experience in helping organizations create accessible and inclusive experiences, so rest assured that she can provide you with the best guidance on how to make your digital products and experiences as accessible and usable as possible. She has worked with companies of all sizes, from startups to Fortune 500s, in different industries and fields, so her expertise is truly unparalleled.

  • Just want to stay up to date and in the loop on thought leadership from a11y and inclusive design experts? Subscribe to the DesignA11y Newsletter on LinkedIn

Looking for something specific ?

woman sitting on the floor on her laptop
designa11y icon

Designer Resources

The Designers Circle (beta) will be a free membership area, but as we are just getting started we have opened access to everyone to enjoy.

More about the workshops

DESIGNA11Y, workshops are rooted in making the web more accessible for everyone. We believe that accessibility should be integral to all elements of interface design and development, from layout and color choice to page structure. That's why our workshops are designed to help you become informed on best practices and create more inclusive products.

Join us for an interactive, hands-on experience with real world design scenarios. Discover how your designs can make an impact!

Book a Call