Color Resources

Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.
— Pablo Picasso
  • black and white image in high contrast

    Contrast Tools

    There's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to choosing the perfect tool for your needs.

    From color contrast plugins for Figma to web-based contrast grids, we've collected the tools that we know and love, all in one place.

  • paint color swatches

    Palette Generators

    Starting a new project or brand? Your color palette sets the tone for the entire design. Sometimes you need a little help to inspire new color combinations.

    Her are our favorite tools to generate palettes. These are your starting point, they likely won’t meet your a11y needs by default.

  • mesh gradient background

    CSS Gradients

    Now that you have created your accessible color palette, you can use that palette to create stunning gradient backgrounds. In this section we will share some code snippets and resource to help you generate these gradients in CSS.

    Remember to maintain your color contrast ratios!

  • Stripes color system before accessibility

    Designing Accessible Color Systems

    The times of RGB/HSL colors might be over soon! Meet high-definition colors with LCH, okLCH, LAB, okLAB that give access to 50% more colors — available in modern displays and supported by modern browsers

    Read how Stripe approached their color system.

  • 3D brain on lilac background

    Colors & Autism

    For those on the autism spectrum, particular colors can profoundly influence how they experience their environment. This guide is here to help you identify the most effective hues for an optimized and comfortable space and experience —and discover what colors are best suited to some individuals on the spectrum.

  • Light Mode / Dark Mode

    Having light and dark mode options has become more standard these days. Did you know that dark mode or night mode is often preferred for users with low vision? In this section we will share resources on how to design dark mode interfaces and some tools that might be helpful.

  • metallic rainbow stripes

    Color & UI Design

    Color can drastically shape the usability and comprehension of an interface. To ensure accessibility for all users, it is valuable to use color to craft a user-friendly design that feels instinctive.

  • on oil slick rainbow representation of a globe

    Color & Cultures

    To put it simply, colors mean different things in various cultures. The symbolic implications of a variety of hues are often dependent on cultural influences.

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